
ECMPS 2.0 Re-Engineering: Current Status and Recent Updates

Following Chris Worley's (EPA) Fall 2023 User Group Presentation, we have compiled the most relevant information for an update on the status of the ECMPS 2.0 Re-Engineering Project.
ECMPS 2.0 Re-Engineering

 What is the ECMPS 2.0 Re-Engineering Project?

The Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS) is the desktop tool that sources are required to use to submit monitoring plans, QA data, and emissions data to the EPA. This data is needed for businesses to comply with the Acid Rain Program (ARP), Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), and the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).


ECMPS 2.0 is an updated version of the tool that was originally released in beta form in 2021 for users to begin testing and gaining familiarity with the application. For details on key changes, read our previous blog post on the re-engineering project. The goal was to officially switch to ECMPS 2.0 by 2024. However, the EPA has recently revealed that the transition to ECMPS 2.0 and the new JSON file format will likely be delayed until later in 2024 or early in 2025.


On Wednesday, November 8 at ESC Spectrum’s 2023 Fall User Group Meeting, Chris Worley of the EPA gave an important update regarding the re-engineering project and the delay of its official rollout. Jon Konings of ESC Spectrum was in attendance and recapped everything you need to know about the project’s current status in the following summary.


What is the Purpose of the Project?

The intent of this project is twofold. The first is to replace the current tool (ECMPS) used to evaluate and submit the electronic files and reports required by those facilities affected by the Acid Rain and associated reporting programs. The new tool is web-based and currently called ECMPS 2.0.  Beta testing of this new tool is currently ongoing and more information on the project can be found on the EPA website.

Besides switching from the ECMPS to the ECMPS 2.0 tool, this conversion also involves switching from the current XML (Xentable Markup Language) to a new file format, which will be a JSON file (JavaScript Object Notation). Software versions of Prism and StackVision are currently available and can generate quality assurance and emission files in either format (XML or JSON).

In January 2024, data from Q4 of 2023 can still be generated in the XML format, evaluated, and submitted using the current tool, ECMPS 2.0. 


Why the Delay?

Up until this presentation occurred, the plan was to continue beta testing of the new tool until December 31, 2023, and then require data files to be submitted in the JSON format using ECMPS 2.0 at the start of the new year.

Chris explained that due to a number of issues they have encountered, the transition to the new JSON format and ECMPS 2.0 has been delayed to a future date later in 2024. Chris further explained that they do not currently have a new transition date but once they do, it will be announced on their re-engineering website.

It is estimated that the new transition date will be in late 2024 or possibly early 2025.


What Does This Really Mean?

Our customers who currently use ECMPS must continue using it as they have in recent years. For the non-MATS users, there may be some minor changes to look out for.

For those facilities that need to begin reporting MATS-related data electronically in 2024, some additions will be made to ECMPS to accept these MATS records and changes will need to be made to Prism and StackVision to generate these records in the XML format.


Final Thoughts and How ESC Spectrum Can Help

The pressure to meet the January 1, 2024 deadline has been pushed back to a future date. We encourage anyone who currently uses ECMPS to stay in touch with this re-engineering project. Be sure to sign up for the EPA newsletter to stay up to date with the latest ECMPS information. 


Additionally, The ESC Spectrum team is doing everything possible to make ECMPS updates readily available to you. Our ECMPS page is a great resource for updates on the re-engineering project and features all key changes and important dates to be aware of.


Please reach out to our Regulatory Services Team with any questions or inquiries regarding ECMPS or air regulations. Additionally, The Source Blog features related posts such as How to Avoid Errors With the Right ECMPS Evaluation Selections and our Definitive Guide to Air Emissions Regulations.

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