
New Release: RATAView™ Version 1.4 Now Available

RATAView Version 1.4 release offers new features and enhancements to help stack testers' perform RATA tests accurately and efficiently.

AUSTIN, TX, July 25, 2023; ESC Spectruman industry leader in air emissions monitoring and compliance, is excited to announce the release of RATAView 1.4, software that helps stack testers perform Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA) tests accurately and efficiently to meet complex regulations, including requirements around testing frequency, calculations, data gathering, and data retention. It is packaged with an 8864 Data Controller, the most widely used device in the industry for data collection, computation, and storage.


RATAView is the only RATA testing software backed by a 24/7 Customer Support Team and is actively being developed. The software is updated bi-annually with new features to evolve with changing industry needs.


The software guides users through a test “queue” configuration to create templates and automate the testing process. Users can reuse the templates at any time, in either manual or automatic mode, with the ability to reset the test to clear out current results and start over, accept the test, or stop/pause when needed. To learn about how facilities are using RATAView to increase stack testing efficiency, read the Evergy electric company case study.


The latest release of RATAView offers new features and enhancements to improve users’ experience. These include:

  • Configuration/Tags Editor
    • The Calculations editor has been replaced with the Tags configuration editor. Use the Tags editor to view, add, edit, and retire RATAView tags used in data collection and calculation. The types of tags available for configuration include Raw Point, Calculated Point, and Database Point tags.  
  • Configuration/Sources
    • The menu in the Sources editor now includes a cold start button ( ) that is used with the 8864 Data Controller. Clicking the button causes the system to perform the following actions on the selected 8864 Data Controller:
      1. Deletes the configuration and data
      2. Reboots the 8864
      3. Then re-downloads the configuration to the 8864 when the reboot process completes
  • Configuration/Raw Points 
    • To support quicker configuration of raw points, the Raw Points Configuration editor supports adding multiple new raw points of the same type simultaneously. 
  • QA Test/Alternative Bag Procedure
  • QA Test/Response Time
    • ​​​​​​​A new option labeled “RESPONSE_TIME” is now available for selection in the QA Class drop-down list of the QA test wizard (see next example). Use this new option to configure one or more response time tests.
  • Running Test – Test Queue Grid / Right-Click Menu:
    • ​​​​​​​Added new options to reset an entire QA sequence and/or to move entire runs or QA events up or down


RATAView is a critical component of ESC Spectrum’s end-to-end solutions for helping customers operate their facilities efficiently and meet air compliance obligations.


Watch a breakdown of the latest features of the RATAView 1.4 Release


For Sales inquiries, please contact the ESC Spectrum sales team.

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