
Benefits of Upgrading Your Data Acquisition System (DAS)

In today's regulatory landscape, ensuring air emissions compliance is crucial. A reliable and robust Data Acquisition System (DAS) plays a pivotal role a Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS). Upgrading your DAS offers numerous benefits, read more to explore the advantages of upgrading and what you can expect from the DAS changeout process.
Benefits of Upgrading Your Data Acquisition System (DAS)

Why is a DAS Changeout Essential for Air Emissions Compliance?

In today’s regulatory landscape, ensuring air emissions compliance is crucial. With ever-tightening environmental regulations, facilities across industries must stay on top of their emissions data. A reliable and robust Data Acquisition System (DAS) plays a pivotal role in a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS). It ensures compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and local regulatory requirements. However, if your DAS is outdated, you may expose your operation to risk, inefficiencies, or costly compliance violations.


Upgrading your DAS offers numerous benefits. While the idea of a DAS changeout may seem daunting, the process is well-defined and designed to minimize disruption while maximizing the return on your investment. Here, we’ll explore the advantages of upgrading and what you can expect from the DAS changeout process.

Improved Data Accuracy, Transparency, and Reliability

Older Data Acquisition Systems (DAS) often lack the precision and reliability to meet modern regulatory standards. Upgrading to a newer system reduces the risk of inaccurate data reporting, which can lead to costly fines. Advanced DAS technology ensures that emissions data is captured, processed, and reported with a higher level of accuracy, providing confidence in your compliance reporting. Data accuracy is enhanced and can be replicated because it goes directly into the DAS. This creates a single “system of record” versus multiple potential systems.


StackVision provides different tools to help users navigate the software. Security-enabled users can view and edit their configurations, calculations, exceedance limits, alarms, and new parameters to be monitored—all without knowledge of programming languages. The CEMScape feature makes understanding the relationships between parameters easy with customizable visualization tools. DataLab is a powerful interface that performs all StackVision data analysis and corrections in one spot.

During the DAS changeout performed by ESC Spectrum experts, a thorough assessment of your current system ensures that the StackVision DAS will address the accuracy gaps. By reviewing the performance of existing sensors and loggers, experts can design a custom system that improves the precision of emissions monitoring, ensuring compliance with EPA requirements from day one.


Increased Operational Efficiency

An outdated DAS can slow down your workflow and add unnecessary complications. Newer systems are designed to integrate seamlessly with other plant or facility software, streamlining data collection and reporting processes. This efficiency reduces the time spent on manual data handling, freeing up resources to focus on other critical operations. Facilities with in-house systems can reduce the burden on in-house programming and IT resources due to the DAS’s pre-configured and reconfigurable nature.


The planning phase of the changeout ensures minimal downtime and a smooth transition. A roadmap is created to replace legacy hardware and integrate the new system, streamlining the data acquisition process. By the end of the installation, the new DAS will work seamlessly with your existing plant systems, freeing up valuable time and resources for your team.


Read more about improving your operational efficiency with a Data Acquisition System in this blog post.

Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts

Modern DAS platforms offer real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing you to detect and address compliance issues as they arise. With advanced alert systems, your team can be notified immediately if emission levels approach regulatory thresholds, enabling swift corrective action before violations occur. This proactive approach minimizes non-compliance risk and helps maintain a smooth, uninterrupted operation. StackVision’s ability to perform remote CEMS health checks for calibrations, validations, and revalidations can reduce the burden of callouts for I&E Technicians.


Real-time capabilities are implemented during the system configuration stage of the DAS changeout. New hardware and software are installed to support continuous monitoring, and customizable alerts are set up to ensure your team gets notified of any potential exceedances, keeping operations compliant.

Enhanced Reporting Features

Comprehensive reporting is essential for demonstrating compliance with regulations. Upgrading your DAS provides more robust reporting tools, including customizable dashboards, automated report generation, and easy access to historical data. These features simplify regulatory audits, allowing you to present accurate and detailed reports with minimal effort.


As part of the data migration process, historical data from your old DAS is transferred to the new system, ensuring uninterrupted reporting. Once the new system is in place, your team will have access to advanced reporting features, making it easy to compile detailed compliance reports for both internal use and regulatory submissions.


Learn how StackVision’s Database Locking Wizard can help you prevent emissions data discrepancies during reporting.


Futureproofing for Regulatory Changes

Environmental regulations are constantly evolving, and it’s essential that your DAS can adapt to new compliance requirements. By upgrading, you ensure that your system is flexible and scalable, capable of accommodating future regulatory changes without the need for a complete overhaul. This flexibility ensures long-term compliance and reduces the risk of unexpected costs associated with adapting to new regulations.

EPA Seal

An ongoing regulatory evolution we’re watching unfold is the status of the ECMPS 2.0 Re-Engineering Project. While the EPA is replacing the current ECMPS tool and switching from XML to the new JSON file format, we are continuously developing and updating our Data Acquisition Systems. Our development tracks and keeps pace with industry changes, which allows you to focus on other facility concerns.  

In the design and customization phase of the DAS changeout, your system is built with future regulatory changes in mind. This includes ensuring compatibility with potential new emissions standards and integrating software that can be updated as regulations evolve. This forward-thinking approach guarantees that your DAS will remain compliant for years to come.


Looking for a refresher on air regulations? Read our Definitive Guide to Air Emissions Regulations.

Reduced Maintenance and Downtime

As technology advances, older systems become more difficult and costly to maintain. Upgrading your DAS reduces the risk of downtime due to system failures or hardware malfunctions. Newer systems are more reliable and accessible to troubleshoot, minimizing disruptions to your operations.


StackVision features data flagging and multi-level alarms with configuration to notify personnel via email or text message of problematic or missing data, helping to reduce periods of non-compliance, instrument downtime, and lost data.


During installation, older and faulty components are replaced, and the new system undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it runs smoothly. With the new DAS in place, you’ll experience fewer maintenance issues, leading to uninterrupted operations and a reduction in overall maintenance costs.

Increased Data Security

Data security is an often overlooked yet critical aspect of compliance. DAS platforms have enhanced security features like encryption, access controls, and secure cloud storage. These security measures help protect sensitive emissions data from unauthorized access or tampering, ensuring that your organization complies with environmental and cybersecurity regulations.


During the installation and configuration phase, new security protocols are implemented, ensuring that sensitive emissions data is protected from unauthorized access or tampering. Your upgraded DAS will comply with both environmental and cybersecurity standards, keeping your data secure and your organization compliant.

Training and Ongoing Support

An essential part of any successful DAS changeout is ensuring your team is fully equipped to operate the new system effectively. At ESC Spectrum, we provide comprehensive DAS Training to help your staff understand and utilize our systems’ full range of features. Whether in-person training sessions or remote learning opportunities like our StackVision Success Program, we ensure that your team gains the knowledge needed to keep your facility compliant and efficient.


In addition to training, our Support Team is always available to assist with any issues or questions that may arise post-implementation. With access to a 24/7/365 dedicated support network, you can rely on our experts to provide timely assistance and troubleshooting to keep your operations running smoothly. Our Customer Community allows you to search through a plethora of knowledge base articles, FAQs, support notices, and software updates.

Watch what our customer at AMP has to say about their experience transitioning to StackVision.

The DAS Changeout Process: A Seamless Transition

While upgrading your DAS comes with a wide range of benefits, it’s natural to have concerns about the changeout process. Fortunately, when managed by experienced professionals, the transition is designed to be seamless and efficient. Here’s what you can expect:

1. Initial Assessment

The process begins with an assessment of your current system’s performance. Experts will identify limitations in your existing DAS and understand the upgrade’s specific needs and regulatory requirements.

A plan is developed that includes designing the new DAS. This involves selecting appropriate technologies and ensuring the system integrates with your facility’s infrastructure while meeting regulatory standards.

Compliance is key. The new DAS must meet local, state, and federal guidelines, ensuring long-term compliance with industry regulations. This aspect is carefully considered during the planning stage.

During the implementation phase, new hardware and software are installed and configured. This process is often done in stages to minimize disruption to your operations. System integration is carefully managed to ensure seamless functionality.

After installation, the new DAS undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets performance standards. This phase confirms that the system operates correctly within your facility’s existing infrastructure and complies with all regulatory requirements.

Once the system is validated, your team receives thorough training on how to use it effectively. Ongoing support is provided to address any issues that may arise post-implementation, ensuring a smooth transition.

Finally, the new DAS is reviewed and optimized to ensure it continues to meet your needs. Any adjustments or refinements needed to improve performance or compliance are made at this stage.

Optimizing Your Operations with a DAS Replacement

Upgrading your Data Acquisition System (DAS) through a DAS changeout is a strategic move that enhances compliance, boosts efficiency, and future-proofs your operations. While involving several vital steps, the process minimizes disruptions and maximizes the benefits of a modern, reliable system. By investing in a DAS changeout, you not only improve data accuracy, real-time monitoring, and reporting capabilities but also ensure your facility is prepared to adapt to evolving regulatory requirements.


With expert guidance and support, a DAS changeout can help your organization stay compliant and efficient, positioning it for long-term success in emissions monitoring and environmental management.

Ready to Upgrade?

ESC Spectrum offers industry-leading Data Acquisition Systems packaged with the powerful 8864 Data Controller, ensuring seamless integration with your facility’s infrastructure. Our expert engineering team customizes and implements the system to meet your unique compliance needs. Take the next step toward compliance and operational efficiency.

Picture of Reagan Sokolosky - Marketing Specialist III

Reagan Sokolosky - Marketing Specialist III

Reagan is a Strategic Communications graduate from Oklahoma State University who joined ESC Spectrum in April of 2020. She dove headfirst into the air emissions compliance industry with no prior experience. She has been writing and researching about air emissions for 4 years to educate our customers. Within four years, Reagan advanced to Marketing Specialist III, showcasing expertise in ESC Spectrum’s learning offerings, email marketing, video editing, product and software releases, and company rebranding.

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