Analyzer Repairs and Upgrades
ESC Spectrum understands that analyzers are integral to your Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS). We offer customized solutions that include parts from major emission monitoring manufacturers and the expertise needed to repair, upgrade and maintain your CEMS analyzers.
All of our locations perform analyzer bench testing included with the purchase of an analyzer. Our process includes a power-up cycle, firmware update, calibration, diagnostic settings check, custom settings programming and troubleshooting as needed.
Analyzer Upgrades
The solutions we offer are rooted in a deep knowledge of air emissions: the maintenance team has decades of experience working on major analyzer brands, including Thermo-Fisher, Siemens, Teledyne API, M&C, Gasmet, Extrel, and more. Visit our Supplier pages to learn about some of our preferred vendor partners. Check our Obsolete Analyzers page to make sure your analyzers have not reached the end of their life cycle.
- We can install and test any major analyzer manufacturer efficiently, reliably, and within budget.
- Overnight shipping is available for in-stock parts.
- We have a large inventory of spare parts, including obsolete, hard-to-order, and third-party items, to support your analyzers.
- Analyzer bench testing
Analyzer Repair & Calibration
ESC Spectrum operates multiple full depot-level labs with the ability to repair and refurbish most major CEMS analyzers and monitor brands with same-day options available for some services. We perform Elemental Mercury Calibrator certifications in accordance with the Interim EPA Traceability Protocol as well as Neutral Density Filter certifications as required by the EPA’s Part 60 regulations.
Our Calibrator Certification Service compares and tests the Thermo Hg 81i Mercury Calibrator against a NIST traceable vendor prime. We are the only facility besides the manufacturer certified to repair and calibrate these devices.
- Loaner and rental analyzers available during repair
- Repair by professionals well-versed in troubleshooting analyzers
- After comparing against a NIST vendor prime, calibrator is properly tuned to the middle of each range, ensuring precise measurements
- Analyzer bench testing
Analyzer Parts
We have an inventory of spare parts, including obsolete, hard-to-order, and third-party items, to support your CEM System analyzers. Overnight shipping is available for in-stock parts. Visit our Supplier pages to learn about some of our preferred vendor partners.
Analyzer Training and Certification Services
Get customized on-the-job training and support via our CEMSProtect Partner program, as well as analyzer repair and maintenance training at our facility.
Our analyzer experts conduct all certification procedures associated with installing a new CEMS, replacing analyzers, recertifying calibrators or making any major changes to your CEMS which prompt certifications.
Request an Analyzer Upgrade or Repair Quote
Seamless Integration Case Study: Lightstone Energy, LLC
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