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ESC Spectrum is currently adapting our two Data Acquisition Systems (DAS), StackVision and Prism, to embrace the upcoming reporting file format changes. Currently, ECMPS is able to evaluate XML formatted files generated by either ECMPS or from a DAS used by a CEM system operator.


During ECMPS 2.0 re-engineering’s dedicated beta testing periods, the StackVision and Prism Data Acquisition Systems are being updated to allow them to generate quality assurance and certification files, along with hourly emission files, both in the existing XML format and the new JSON format files. The intent is to generate both types of files and evaluate them separately, using their respective evaluation tools. The goal behind this comparison is to make sure ECMPS 2.0 can evaluate the JSON file and determine that it is evaluated to the same degree as an XML file in ECMPS.


The ESC Spectrum team has been preparing our software and support team to accommodate the ECMPS 2.0 changes since the announcement of the project.


Our regulatory and reporting experts have been meeting with ECMPS representatives and attending EPA webinars that provide critical information to DAS vendors on their progress and timelines.


Latest Updates

(Updated 1/20/2025): Due to the uncertainty of the timeline of the ECMPS project, we will continue to keep ECMPS 2.0 as Beta feature until EPA finalizes the date of the 2.0 release. We are closely monitoring EPA’s newsletter to ensure our product releases will support ECMPS 2.0 before the EPA’s release date. The EPA aims to launch ECMPS 2.0 for data collection no sooner than  Q3 of 2025. However, this timeline is subject to change as development progresses. 


On December 20th, 2024, the EPA released instructions that effectively omitted all non-ECMPS 1.0 MATS references from the published reporting instructions, essentially making the ECMPS 1.0 and 2.0 change only XML versus JSON. In their 12/20/2024 communication, the EPA confirmed that MATS data reporting will continue as before under ECMPS 1.0 for the initial release of ECMPS 2.0 as a submission under various file formats:


“At this time, there are no planned changes to the MATS reporting requirements for the initial release of ECMPS 2.0. This means that affected sources can expect to continue reporting MATS data into the new ECMPS 2.0 application when it is released as they have been reporting via ECMPS 1.0. Any major changes to reflect MATS submission requirements into ECMPS 2.0 will be announced at a later date.” – EPA (12/20/2024)


ESC Spectrum does not currently have enough information from the EPA regarding schemas to generate proper XML or JSON files. The ECMPS 2.0 Beta website was down for a significant portion of last year and is currently down for maintenance as of 1/17/2025. During the downtime, users will be unable to log into either application. They do not have an anticipated reopening date, so we have no reliable way to test our products against the Beta website to ensure any known issues we reported to them have been resolved.


PS 2.0 before we release another product to support it. When that occurs, we encourage our customers to update to the latest version of StackVision or Prism. StackVision 7.6 beta (or greater) will be required if you wish to perform ECMPS 2.0 web-based testing.

We’re here to help and encourage you to contact us for help.

About the ECMPS 2.0 Re-Engineering Project

The Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) is engaged in replacing its existing evaluation tool, the Emission Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS), with an updated web-based program. Access the ECMPS Re-Engineering website here, and the Beta Reporting instructions here. 

ECMPS 2.0 Re-Engineering Project Update Webinar Recording
2024 Spring Training Series: Regulatory Overview & ECMPS Update Recording

Key Changes for Reporters

XML to JSON Format

The regulatory data reporting requirements (for non-MATS) and structure are not changing as part of this reengineering; however, the reporting format is changing from the current XML format to a JSON file format. The reason behind this change is to reduce file sizes and increase efficiency for data loading purposes, which becomes more important when using a web-based reporting platform.

No Shared vs. Stand-Alone Versions

The ECMPS 2.0 platform allows for functionality that’s a hybrid of the prior shared and stand-alone desktop versions. The EPA specifically asks beta users to evaluate the beta to ensure it meets their workflow needs and to provide feedback to the EPA.

Central Data Exchange (CDX) Login

ECMPS 2.0 and the CAMD Business System (CBS) are transitioning to CDX user management. This will provide consistent login and profile management processes across EPA applications (e.g., ECMPS, GHG Reporting Program, CEDRI) and enhanced security.

MATS Requirements

Facilities using CEMS for MATS (Mercury and Air Toxics Standard) compliance reporting (such as PM, HCl, HF, sorbent traps, etc.) will need to begin reporting Quality Assurance activities. These include Cylinder Gas Audits (CGAs), Absolute Correlation Audits (ACAs), and Sample Volume Audits (SVAs) electronically, to name a few. In addition, compliance reports will be included in the quarterly Quality Assurance (QA) electronic files for the first time, listing the appropriate 30- or 90-day averages, plus other supporting records. 

MATS-affected customers are encouraged to attend the upcoming webinar on Thursday, July 27th at 12 p.m. CDT to provide feedback.

Low Mass Emitting (LME) Reporting

LME plants are required to report for emissions and QA. In April 2023, the EPA announced that ECMPS 2.0 will not support LME file creation. They stated, “ECMPS 2.0 will no longer include the ability to prepare LME emissions files. Affected LME users will need to explore other options outside ECMPS for preparing their quarterly emissions files.”

Contact ESC Spectrum’s Reporting Team for assistance with LME reporting. 

ECMPS 2.0 Timeline

Your Feedback Needed

We’re moving quickly to make changes to our software to ensure you comply with the EPA’s ECMPS 2.0 requirements by the deadline.  We would like to hear your feedback on some of the new modules we’ve developed so far. Please contact us with any questions or comments.

Latest ECMPS Newsletters


We are writing to inform users that due to necessary updates to the system, both the ECMPS 2.0 beta site and CBS beta site will be down for maintenance beginning Friday, January 17th, 2025 at 5PM eastern time. During this downtime, users will be unable to log into either application. At this time, we do not have an anticipated reopening date but will provide updates on the reopening as soon as possible via this newsletter and the ECMPS reengineering effort website.

As a reminder, on December 20th, 2024, EPA posted updating reporting instructions for ECMPS 2.0. Check out our last newsletter here for more information. Access the updated ECMPS 2.0 reporting instructions here.


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We are writing with important updates to share as it relates to ECMPS 2.0 development. We are happy to announce the publication of the ECMPS 2.0 reporting instructions, to provide an update on the expected release timeline of ECMPS 2.0, and to provide an update on MATS-related implementation in ECMPS 2.0. Please read below for all the important details!


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ECMPS 2.0 Reporting Instructions:


  • The ECMPS 2.0 monitoring plan, quality assurance, and emissions reporting instructions are now available. Please note, although these reporting instructions may have slight modifications due to future minor changes ahead of launch, they should be considered ready for use for any kind of programming development ahead of the ECMPS 2.0 launch. These reporting instruction documents reflect the changes already made to ECMPS 2.0 schema files that were made available on September 25th, 2024. The reporting instructions can be found here.
  • Please note: sources that currently use the existing ECMPS client tool (also known as ECMPS 1.0) for official reporting should continue to use the official reporting instructions and schemas available on the EPA website here. Sources that use ECMPS 1.0 to report MATS-related data should additionally refer to any official documentation and instructions provided by OAQPS. The ECMPS 2.0 reporting instructions and related schema should not yet be used for official reporting.


Release Date Update:


  • Although development of the ECMPS 2.0 application is still ongoing, we are tentatively planning to have the ECMPS 2.0 application available for collecting, at the earliest, 2025Q3 data. Please note, this is subject to change. We will continue to provide updates as we get closer to the tentative application release and will inform affected users of any modifications to this timeline in a timely fashion.


MATS Implementation in ECMPS 2.0:


  • At this time, there are no planned changes to the MATS reporting requirements for the initial release of ECMPS 2.0. This means that affected sources can expect to continue reporting MATS data into the new ECMPS 2.0 application when it is released as they have been reporting via ECMPS 1.0. Any major changes to reflect MATS submission requirements into ECMPS 2.0 will be announced at a later date. For specific MATS reporting guidance, please read the MATS-related FAQs available here and also reference the newly published ECMPS 2.0 reporting instructions and related schemas.

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ECMPS Blog Posts

Advantages of Outsourcing Reporting for Air Emissions Compliance

This article discusses the crucial role of outsourcing reporting in streamlining air emissions compliance for industrial operations. It highlights the complex regulatory landscape governed by regulations such as 40 CFR Part 60, Part 63, and Part 75. With the expertise of ESC Spectrum’s reporting team, facilities can ensure timely, efficient, and customized compliance solutions, mitigating risks, and maintaining data integrity while navigating regulatory changes seamlessly.

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2023 Regulatory Snapshot: Key Changes Unveiled

Dive into the 2023 key regulatory updates for ECMPS 2.0, MATS Residual Risk and Technology Review, Low Mass Emissions (LME), and more. Stay ahead of the curve as we guide you through each topic and equip you with the tools to navigate 2024.

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