
Control Analytics, Inc. and Monitoring Solutions Change Name to ESC Spectrum Corporation

ESC Spectrum, an industry leader in air emissions monitoring and compliance, acquired Monitoring Solutions in December 2021 and Control Analytics, Inc. in February 2022 to grow the company’s footprint in the Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) market. On January 1, 2023 Monitoring Solutions and Control Analytics will be merged into ESC Spectrum Corporation to build on this successful alliance.

New Release: FleXReports™ Version 1.3 Now Available

FleXReports gives StackVision Data Acquisition System (DAS) users the power to develop fleetwide reports that aggregate data, then customize the format with Excel. Enhancements in Version 1.3 make it easier for users to configure, filter, and view data that FleXReports has retrieved from StackVision.

New Release: QAInsight™ Version 1.2 Now Available

QAInsight helps industrial companies solve challenges with scheduling, planning, and tracking a myriad of activities related to performing Quality Assurance tests required by state and federal agencies. Enhancements in Version 1.2 offer new features to improve overall user experience.

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