Bridging the RSR Compliance Gap: Part 2

This article appeared in Hydrocarbon Engineering’s August 2020 issue. This article focuses on US EPA approved alternative 131 (ALT 131). ALT 131 allows for total calibration cylinder net heating value (NHV) as an alternative to the PS-9 requirement that specifies calibration and calibration check individual component agreement.
Bridging the RSR Compliance Gap: Part 1

In this article, which appeared in Hydrocarbon Engineering’s July 2020 issue, you’ll learn how, with the introduction of RSR and the copious amounts of data now required for compliance, many refineries are turning to a data acquisition system like Stackvision to meet regulatory requirements.
Environmental Systems Corporation (ESC) and Spectrum Systems, Inc. (SSI) Now ESC Spectrum

Environmental Systems Corporation (ESC) and Spectrum Systems, Inc. (SSI) combined names as ESC Spectrum & introduced a new logo.
New Release: StackVision™ Version 6.11 Data Acquisition System

Industry-leading DAS StackVision Version 6.11 provides new features resulting in increased usability, efficiency, processing speed, and more.
StackVision™ Case Study: Coal-Fired Electric Utility

Learn how StackVision helped a Louisiana Coal-Fired Electric Utility comply with the Mercury & Air Toxics Standards (MATS).