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New Release: StackVision™ Version 6.12 Data Acquisition System

The latest release of StackVision 6.12 offers 20 new feature enhancements, in addition to usability and performance updates in more than 15 feature areas that improve user experience and make it easier to comply with emissions regulations.

AUSTIN, TX, September 15, 2020; ESC Spectrum, provider of industry-leading products and services for customers in the electric power and petroleum industries, is excited to announce the release of StackVision 6.12.

StackVision is the most widely used DAS software across the U.S. with more than 3,100 air emission sources in the petrochemical, refining, electric power generation, metal production, and pulp and paper industries relying on it for monitoring and reporting in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state regulations.


It is specifically designed to meet the needs of air continuous monitoring compliance and keeps industrial customers on top of compliance status and trends with a real-time set of tools and displays.


The latest release of StackVision 6.12 offers 20 new feature enhancements, in addition to usability and performance updates in more than 15 feature areas, that improve user experience and make it easier to comply with emissions regulations. These include:


  • New ProcessNow task called CALCHECK60 that helps facilities meet the EPA requirements defined in 40CFR60.13(d)(1)
  • OPC Data Mapper that supports reference value mappings for calibration reference bottles using specific OPC tags as reference values
  • Additional options in multiple Reports that help customers easily view System and QA data, troubleshoot potential issues, and address them with efficiency, as well as provide increased visibility for Opacity Test Calibration Errors, Permit RATA Test, Stack Flow Monitoring, and much more.


The StackVision DAS is in continuous effort and provides customers with updated features each quarter. StackVision customers are backed by 24/7 expert customer support and training resources to make sure the software is running smoothly, and customers remain in compliance.

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