Private Training Topics
Whether on-site at your facility or online, private training allows you to choose from a list of topics that work best for your team. View our private training topics below to tailor the training to technicians, reporting personnel, or other groups within your organization. You’ll ensure you receive the foundational, institutional knowledge necessary to get the most out of your ESC Spectrum products, including StackVision, the 8864 Data Controller and more. DASProtect Fortress customers receive a discount on private training.
CEMS New User With StackVision
The StackVision New User topics are ideal for those new to this Data Acquisition System (DAS). These topics cover the basic features of the StackVision software and the 8864 Data Controller. Participants will receive hands‐on experience with the software and have ample time to cover the entire system and associated tasks.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will identify and describe a typical CEM System and CEMS components.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: Users will identify and customize CEMScape components to create StackVision views, as well as use CEMScape functions to explore system parameters.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will identify features and functions of the data controller, and become familiar with common menu options in order to perform frequently performed tasks.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: Users will explore DataLab and DataLab Viewer components and functionality in order to retrieve and review parameter data.
Estimated Time: 1.5 – 2 hours
Topic Focus: Users will learn the role of CalLab in managing calibration data, as well as discover features of the StackVision Cal Gas Management tool.
Estimated Time: .5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will identify the role of ProcessNow in data processing.
Estimated Time: 1.5 – 2 hours
Topic Focus: Users will become familiar with the Linearity, RATA, Stack Flow, and Fuel System tools available within StackVision to enter certification data.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will learn to acknowledge alarms successfully and ensure that StackVision is communicating with the data controller, as well as explore common reporting tools.
Estimated Time: .5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will identify and review tools and reports associated with plant operating permits and 40CFR60.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: Users identify console components and understand how to build, save and recall a custom console.
Data Review With StackVision
In these topics, participants will learn how to use StackVision to identify, troubleshoot and resolve data anomalies in order to maintain the integrity and validity of CEMS data, Using DataLab, CalLab, and reporting tools available in StackVision. Participants will streamline their compliance activities.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: Part 75 Review – Monitor calibrations, exception events, average data, MDSUB, operating data, and ProcessNow Part 60 Review – Monitor downtime/excess emissions events, rolling/block averages, and geometric averages.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours – 2 hours
Topic Focus: Explore DataLab and DataLab Viewer components and functionality in order to retrieve and review parameter data.
Estimated Time: 2 hours
Topic Focus: Learn the role of CalLab in managing calibration data, as well as discover features of the StackVision Cal Gas Management tool.
- Understand the requirements of the Calibration Error Test
- Discuss data validity and failed test
- Add a 7‐day Calibration Drift Test and a Cycle Time Test
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: Explain ProcessNow Logic
- Understand the requirements of the Calibration Error Test
- Discuss data validity and failed test
- Add a 7-day Calibration Drift Test and a Cycle Time Test
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus:
- Review Linearity, CGA record entry procedures
- Examine RATA record entry procedures
- Review Stack Flow Monitoring entry procedures
- Discuss usage of Appendix D – Fuel Analysis Tool
- Review test extensions and exemption procedures
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus:
- Comprehend the importance of filing a certification event
- Ascertain when a certification event is required and review the specific event
- Employ StackVision to file an event record
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus:
- Alarm History & Comprehensive Alarm History
- Cumulative Emissions
- Emissions & Performance Summary
- Opacity Performance Summary
- Performance Summary
- Peaking Unit Qualification
- Operating Load Analysis
- Analyzer Range Evaluation
- Creating Linked Reports
Using StackStudio
These topics are designed for users who are experienced in configuring StackVision. Participants will be introduced to the configuration tools available in StackStudio. The training will explore the SQL Server-based architecture of StackStudio while learning how to make significant edits to a StackVision configuration. In addition to identifying the steps necessary for completing configuration changes and updates, the training will cover how StackStudio can be used for validation and error‐checking tasks.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus:
- Overview of the configuration architecture
- Establish the many ways to access configuration files, to save configuration files and to navigate the StackStudio environment
Estimated Time: 3 hours
Topic Focus:
- Understand how data flows through your StackVision system from data controller to StackVision server
- Gain familiarity with the location and features of StackStudio configuration editors
- Recognize configuration information specific to parameters, data controller channels, calibrations, averaging, digital expressions and alarms
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus:
- Identify configuration information in StackStudio which customizes the way certain StackVision utilities are used
- Review steps necessary for performing system management tasks in the StackVision application
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus:
- Recognize the ProcessNow components organized and configured in StackStudio
- Review the steps for using the StackVision Task Scheduler Wizard to automate processing tasks configured in StackStudio
Estimated Time: 1.5
Topic Focus:
- Assess the information configured using the Regulatory Programs configuration editors which prepares data for accurate reporting
- Examine XML EDR and report settings information kept in StackStudio
- Review the procedure for creating a linked report using Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
- Customizing Linked Reports
Data QA/Certification with StackVision
These topics are designed to show participants how to utilize StackVision in order to complete required Data QA and CEMS Certification procedures. The training will cover the theory of Certification/On‐going Test Events and Quality Assurance procedures required for Part 75 quarterly reporting, discussions on linearity, RATA, Flow-to-Load, 7‐Day Calibration Error/Drift Test, cycle time response tests, daily calibrations, formula verification, and missing data algorithms.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will identify and understand the steps and tests required for Initial Certification under 40CFR75, as well as use StackVision to enter records of these tests.
Estimated Time: 3 hours
Topic Focus: Users will understand regulatory requirements associated with Calibration Error tests and Flow Interference checks. In this module, users will also use StackVision to view reports associated with daily quality control and view Calibration test records.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will identify regulatory requirements for quarterly quality assurance tests, including Linearity Checks, Flow‐to‐Load Tests, and Leak Checks. In addition, users will use StackVision record the results of these tests.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will understand the regulatory requirements and calculations necessary for RATA testing, and using StackVision to validate RATA tests.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will understand and identify certification testing required for Appendix D and Appendix E units.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: Users will understand the steps and testing policies for 40CFR75 diagnostic and recertification testing, as well as procedures for entering these tests into StackVision.
Estimated Time: .5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will identify 40CFR75 record-keeping and QA/QC plant requirements, and how to use StackVision to comply with these requirements.
These topics will aid the participants in understanding the proper steps for preparing, evaluating and submitting an XML EDR with the EPA’s ECMPS Client Tool. Participants will review the XML schema and the ECMPS Client to acquire the tools necessary to successfully submit an XML report to EPA. The Reporting Instructions provided by EPA have been incorporated to eliminate the need to search in multiple places for an error resolution.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: Users will define and become introduced to the ECMPS Client Tool and XML.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: Users will identify and begin familiarization with the ECMPS Client Tool, as well as understand error codes within ECMPS.
Estimated Time: .5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will evaluate, correct errors, and generate a printed monitoring plan using the ECMPS Client Tool.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will identify the role of StackVision in XML reporting and use StackVision to work with the corrected monitoring plan.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: Users will evaluate, view, and correct QA and Emissions Errors using the ECMPS Client Tool.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: Users will utilize information gathered from the ECMPS Reporting Instructions to resolve Monitoring Plan data errors.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: Users will utilize information gathered from the ECMPS Reporting Instructions to resolve Quality Assurance and Certification data errors.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: Users will utilize information gathered from the ECMPS Reporting Instructions to resolve Emissions data errors.
Basic Part 60/Part 75 Regulations
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus:
- Air regulations timeline
- Laws verses regulations
- Programs overview (NSPS, ARP, NBP, CAIR)
Estimated Time: 2 hours
Topic Focus:
- Monitoring requirements
- Certification fundamentals
- Backup monitors
Estimated Time: 2 hours
Topic Focus:
- Span and range
- Data validity
- Missing data substitution
- Diluent capping
- Full‐scale exceedances
- Special rules for coal‐fired units with SO2 monitors
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus:
- QA/QC Test
- Recordkeeping requirements
- Reporting
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus:
- App. D, E & G methodology
- Low mass emissions (LME) units
Estimated Time: 2 hours
Topic Focus:
- Subpart A – General Provisions
- Subpart D, Da, Db, GG and KKKK specific limits
- Navigate the subparts
Data Controller Training
These topics provide an introductory basic overview of the 8864 Data Controller highlighting features, security, and navigation. Additionally, participants will go “under the hood” and review the I/O cards, firmware, and internal functions. Participants will learn how to monitor calibrations, alarms, and real-time displays, as well as system settings and status, and the use of the MODBUS interface.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: A basic overview of the 8864 Data Controller highlighting features, security and navigation.
Estimated Time: .5 hours
Topic Focus: Covers the “guts” and “brains” of the data controller, with concentration on I/O cards, firmware and internal functions.
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: An exploration of different connection and log-in methods of using and navigating the data controller.
Estimated Time: 3 hours
Topic Focus: Address how and what to enter in the various configuration menus and fields as well as the correct settings in the configuration, and what will the end result will be
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Topic Focus: How to set up, initiate and monitor calibrations. Looks at the different controller alarm types, and covers the many Real-Time displays available and the benefits of each.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: Looks at the current status of the system with regards to settings previously configured and using the various status menus to get a broader system status.
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Topic Focus: Will address the modus settings and registries on both the Modbus Server and Client.
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